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Elizabeth Football Club

Elizabeth Football Club - "Special Resolution" to adopt the new Constitution at a Special General Meeting

Tue, 10 Sep 2024
18:30 - 20:30

Dear Elizabeth Football Club Member, 


As you are aware the Elizabeth Football Club's Constitution is well out of date, and been undergoing a complete rewrite over past months. Along the way, there have been a number of revisions and iterations to ensure the Constitution and supporting Regulations, accurately align with the future operations of the club.


Attached are the final versions which incorporate the feedback received, and which have the full support of the Committee.


This email then, serves as formal notice that members will need to vote on a "Special Resolution" to adopt the new Constitution at a Special General Meeting, to be held on the 10th September at 6:30pm


A copy of both the Constitution and Regulations will be made available on the noticeboard in the Argana Park clubrooms from Tuesday.


In addition, our Public Officer, Kevin Noel, will hold a Q&A session over the next weeks, and we’ll advise the date and time shortly. This will be an opportunity to clarify any aspect of the documents that you may have questions on.


With regards to who is able to cast a vote on the "Special Resolution", you must be a financial or Life Member of the Elizabeth Football Club. If you are unsure, please email Steve Hogan, Secretary at elizabetheagles56@gmail.com


Memberships are also able to be purchased up until the day of the "Special Meeting". Memberships are able to be purchased at: https://elizabethfc.tidyhq.com/public/shop/products/membership



Steve Hogan

Elizabeth Football Club

Elizabeth Football Club
Midway Rd, Elizabeth Downs SA 5113, Australia

Argana Park Midway Road, Elizabeth Downs, South Australia, 5113, Australia

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