Dear Member,
In accordance with the club's Constitution, this email is sent to advise you that the 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 14th October at 6:30PM, at the Argana Park Clubrooms.
The minutes of the 2023 AGM can be down loaded here:
At the upcoming AGM, all interim Executive Committee positions will be declared vacant, and members holding those positions will stand down. Members present at the meeting will then elect new persons to the roles for a period of 2 years.
The Executive Committee (Board) comprises six(6) Elected Committee Members, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Football Director and Junior Football Director, all of whom need to be members of the club.
For this AGM, the roles of President and Junior Football Director are continuing, with the interim positions being Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Senior Football Director.
Nominations for these current interim positions are now open.
Any member may nominate either themselves, or another member to the positions, providing of course that the person accepts the nomination, and that person is a bona-fide current financial member as at 30th September, per the club’s Regulation 2.8.3.
Nominations may be made by emailing the nominees name and position they are being nominated for, to the club Secretary at
Nominations need to be received by COB on Sunday 6th October.
In the event that insufficient nominations are received by the due date, the Chair of the AGM, will call for nominations from members present at the meeting.
Non-Executive Committee roles (Appointed Committee Members) and other supporting roles will be appointed during the AGM.
If there are any questions, either about the roles or the processes, please feel free to email
Kind regards,
Steve Hogan
Argana Park Midway Road, Elizabeth Downs, South Australia, 5113, Australia